
I’m home with a sick kid today, which means I spent most of my morning catching up with the happenings on social media. My newsfeed is blowing up with one thing, Trump’s proposal on food stamps. Of course, since I surround myself with mostly very liberal or at least left leaning people, everyone I know is horrified by it. Some of my low-income friends who receive SNAP benefits are really insulted by the entire suggestion, and they should be. I’m insulted for them.

For anyone who doesn’t know, the current regime has proposed to cut SNAP (food stamp) allotments and replace half of the value with basically commodity foods. The things mentioned were shelf stable milk, canned fruits and vegetables, canned fish and meats, pasta, rice, and peanut butter. It’s basically every government cheese joke told on the elementary school playground come to life.

I grew up in a somewhat poor town in the rural south. We joked about government cheese a lot because most people got it, and all of us had eaten it. It wasn’t bad, but its presence in your home definitely marked you as a “have not” in a world of “haves”, so we did what kids do, and joked about it. My family wasn’t eligible for that type of help because we owned our land, but sometimes others would share their government food allotments with us, so I’m no stranger to those plain brown packages nor their no-frills, calorie dense, contents. While I was glad to eat it as a kid, the idea of bringing it back just strikes me as crass.

This also reminds me of another lesson I learned the hard way, this time as an adult. People in this country hate the poor. I have been mostly fortunate in life, but in 2011, two weeks before my youngest child was born, my then-husband walked away from his military career, choosing instead to work for $10/hr at a car dealership. This resulted in a situation where we had enough money to pay exactly 1/3 of our bills every month. It was an awful situation in every possible way, and to fully describe what it was like to go from solidly middle class to losing our house, having utilities cut off, and not having enough to eat, would require its own entry, or possibly a book. I do not think I have ever been more scared in my life than I was during those few months. The biggest lesson I learned was that people are really weird about the poor.

There were a few friends who stuck by me. They fed me even if they didn’t have much themselves. They bought things I sewed, even though I know they didn’t need them. They didn’t act like I was stupid. I will never forget the kindness of those few people. Unfortunately, they were in the minority.

Most people say really stupid things to poor people. They ask why you still have a car if you’re so broke, why you can’t move to a cheaper apartment, why you still own a stroller for your baby, why you still own your wedding ring. They don’t understand that not having a car isn’t an option in a city without reliable public transportation, that moving to a new place is more expensive than staying (and that on a reduced income, nobody would approve us as a tenant anyway), that I’d sold just about everything I could on Craigslist already, that that money had already been used for groceries, and what you see is the stuff nobody would buy. They would tell me I needed to put my foot down and make my husband pay those bills, stop blowing all the money, etc. They didn’t hear me when I said nobody was blowing money on anything, that it just wasn’t there.

As we slid down the poverty rabbit hole at fever pitch (all of this took place from May to November) I ended up without a phone. My doctor tried for months to get in touch with me over an abnormal test result, my birth control prescription lapsed and I had no way to schedule an appointment for more because I couldn’t call the doctor, and on two occasions, my kid was stuck at school sick with no way to get ahold of me. The kids didn’t go to the pediatrician because I couldn’t call for an appointment and couldn’t afford the gas to get there even so. When I told people about this, they said, “Cell phones are a luxury. You could still call 911 from yours in a real emergency.” as if that somehow made it ok that I was cut off from the world in general.

They had to believe that the situation I was in was my fault, that I somehow deserved it because I was stupid, and that their rationalizing of it meant it could never happen to them. I honestly think my situation scared them because it proved it could happen to anybody. I had been the wife of an Army Staff Sergeant. I had a brand new house and a brand new car. I had three kids who wore adorable clothes, and one who went to private school. I bellydanced and had lovely costumes. I cooked responsible, consciously sourced, whole foods to rival any hipster housewife. I paid for my homebirth in cash. I was any suburban mom, and when my husband at the time decided that his end of the deal was too much, all of it was ripped away from me and our kids so fast we hardly knew what hit us.

We burned through our savings in a couple months, and it didn’t take long after that for everything to just crash around us. It has only been within the past year that I have stopped fearing the sound of the doorbell, because during those few months, the doorbell meant we were losing our house or a utility was being shut off. I developed anxiety, my psoriasis got worse, and I just generally lived in fear because the basic things I had always been able to count on were not there because someone else made a choice not to provide them anymore. People do not want to believe this can happen to them, so they convince themselves that the people it did happen to, are somehow less deserving, less intelligent, less human. This is how they keep the fear of the reality that it can happen to any of us at bay. I know because I’ve been on that side of it, too.

The new SNAP proposal is born of the same mentality. It’s condescending and dehumanizing. Look at the way the articles in The Hill and several other credible publications are describing it. The administration officials are likening it to Blue Apron meal kits. This is extra insulting because canned goods in government boxes are nothing like Blue Apron, which is a gourmet meal kit service that even I, a working structural engineer, cannot afford on a regular basis. No poor person, no human being, will consider these things similar. The officials and their cronies rib each other, “Blue Apron for the poor, amirite?!” “Ah, good sir, yes, let them eat cake! Actually, wait, no, don’t let them eat cake. That’s an extra! Let them eat shelf stable milk and peanut butter!”

When you’re poor, you know you are, and the entire way you relate to the world is different. Nobody is more intensely aware of “have” and “have not” culture than the “have nots”. Marking the have nots visually in their kitchens is crass and disgusting. People should be trusted to feed themselves. I don’t care if all they want to eat is Cheetos, or if they buy the biggest birthday cake at HEB for their kid and the entire block. I DO NOT CARE. Let them do it. They deserve that tiny bit of normalcy because odds are, nothing else is normal in their lives.

With that said, the average poor person does not want to eat only Cheetos or buy a giant birthday cake. They mostly want what we all want, decent food that their families like to eat, familiar brands, comfort food, all the stuff for grandma’s soup recipe. Studies show that SNAP recipients eat mostly the same way as non-recipients. This idea that they’re blowing their allotments on stupidity is yet another manifestation of the mentality in which people convince themselves that the poor are stupid and can’t be trusted.

I know I got very personal on this issue, but I don’t think it’s irrelevant. The entire point is that everyone who’s in need has a unique story of how they got to that place, and it usually had nothing to do with the horrible failings we’re told usually result in poverty. It was a layoff, an injury, an illness, or maybe they were just born into really disadvantaged circumstances. This stuff is valid, and most of all, it’s human. It happened to me. It could happen to you. When we see poor people as human beings, we don’t want to do things like make them live on preselected survival foods, with no regard for their preferences, allergies, or intolerances, because we wouldn’t like that either. We trust grown adults with their own grocery money because we would want that if it were us.

It also occurs to me that Republicans seem to be the last remaining people who believe upward mobility is a thing that exists in today’s world. This means they think people can overcome bad circumstances, and move up to better ones. In some rare cases, this is true. I managed to get out of that bad situation, and things turned out ok, only due to some very rare circumstances. One big thing we can do to help people try to better their situation is to trust them. My mom taught Kindergarten for years, and she used to always say that kids will rise or stoop to your expectations of them. You tell a kid they’re bad, they’ll be bad. You tell a kid they’re a hard worker, they’ll be a hard worker. This is true of people of all ages. If we tell those who are in need economically that we trust them to choose their own foods, to feed their families the best way they can, to make good choices, they will do exactly that. This is evidenced by the fact that SNAP has the lowest rate of fraud and abuse of nearly any government program. We trust people to manage their own grocery budget, and not surprisingly at all, they do it. If we give them the government foods subscription box, we are telling them they are untrustworthy, and just generally unworthy. What do you think that’s going to do to people’s morale? It’s not going to help, that’s for sure.

Bottom line, can we please not be the country that does this? In today’s economy, with the volatile markets and the constantly changing job market, it could be any of us on the receiving end. Let’s find out every single elected official who supported this idea, and vote them all out as soon as we can. We can’t have this. We’re all people, and demand to be treated as such.

44 thoughts on “No, it’s not like Blue Apron.

  1. I fear for how this will be implemented, but I don’t think it is an entirely worthless thought. I think maybe it should be an option. When I was growing up we were on food benefits and WIC, and I know without a car it was a struggle for my mom to make it to a store to get the food items and she absolutely would have preferred for it to be shipped to her house (both for not having to travel and for not having to have people see her using benefits in public). And potentially it could help to overcome some food desert inequities. The neighborhood I live in has one overpriced, poor quality grocery store. But without transportation those SNAP benefits don’t go nearly as far as they do for the people on the other side of town.

    So do I think the Republicans will make a hash of this? Absolutely. But I do think there could be something in this concept that could be of benefit. Cutting out the transportation issues and the grocery store issues isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If it was something that could be opted in, and maybe a portal to choose between items, and recipes and suggestions and such provided, I think it is an idea worth considering.

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    1. This is a good point, too. Maybe they can offer it as a subscription service (optional like you said) where people can choose which foods they would want to receive, and get cash benefit for the rest of their balance. I just know some people have food allergies, are vegetarian, etc, so some of the foods would not work for everyone. I think the important thing is letting people choose. A delivered subscription service wouldn’t be bad as long as it doesn’t take away existing options from people who want to keep what they have already.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. This was pitched by USDA as a cost saving measure, and they explicitly said they didn’t have anything in the budget for home delivery.

        *Could* we develop a service where food-stamp eligible homes with school aged kids got a basket of food delivered, perhaps via school bus, very near to their door (at a very reasonable cost)? Sure. Could we expand meals on wheels and the like to deliver food directly to people’s homes? Sure, it would cost money, but it might be worthwhile. Could we *actually* expand Blue Apron type fresh meal kits with instructions to families that could use them (perhaps targeting local produce in season to keep down costs and “teach” people how to cook with things they might not otherwise know how to use?) Sure! This is not that plan.
        This is the taxpayer paying $5 for canned corn that the USDA will pay farmers a pittance for so that some Republican PAC contributor (probably a relative of DeVos) can serve as the “government approved” (no bid) distributor for while making an obscene profit. Observe for-profit prison food. It’ll have all the downsides of that.

        Also, I “can’t” afford crab legs because I live in the midwest and it’s February. If I lived in Maryland in June it might well be another matter. Even accounting for the fact that “luxury” is situational in the strictly financial sense, I reject the premise the poor deserve nothing “extra”. We are the wealthiest nation on earth, and currently have historically low tax rates. Tax dollars should be spent sensibly, but we just don’t have to live in a country where a poor kid can’t have a birthday cake, or a Mom can’t decide to get a remaindered steak with SNAP dollars (maybe she wants to cut it up to flavor the bean and rice tacos? It really doesn’t matter). There is a term for wanting to see people who are struggling struggle at least as much as you do, and it is (ironically?) “crabs in a bucket”. It’s no way to live.

        Liked by 4 people

    2. I agree. Transportation can be an issue. Also using SNAP money at convenient stores within walking distance is spending three times the amount of the items value. Poor choices are made when it comes to food options. I’ve been in mine and seen someone buy crab legs. Really? I have no sympathy or respect for those choices. Is everyone opting for that? No. But it shouldn’t even be an available option. I work. I’m a single kmom of three children. I receive no assistance. I can’t afford crab legs and no way should tax dollars allow someone else too. Healthy food options should be provided and yes, food options controlled. But yes, I did say healthy option. Don’t ask for help and be pick about it and self righteous about it. Cheetos all day….oh sure now let me pay for your obese diabetic healthcare needs for you as well. The details of the plan might need to keep being revised but it’s definitely a plan worth exploring and implementing.


      1. You can afford crab legs. If you decide to go without something else later in the month which is what a snap family has to do. If I buy steak to celebrate a birthday we are going without meat some other meal. You could make the same choice. Choosing not to make that sacrifice is your decision and that’s fine but you shouldn’t be allowed to make one for others. There are X dollars on that card for the month. If they are spent quickly on crab legs or whatever other bogeyman you’d like to discuss they are gone and there are no more til next month so what’s it to you ? If you want crab legs, sacrifice something else in the budget and get some just like that snap family did

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    3. Rather than helping with the food desert problem, these boxes would likely make it worse. With less money spent at the stores that do exist in those neighborhoods, more of those stores will shut down.

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      1. I did not say it would help alleviate the food desert, I said it could help alleviate the inequities. A subtle but distinct difference. Things literally cost more at some grocery stores than it does at another store a few miles down the road, and it can be a significant difference. We priced it out for a friend of ours. Between two stores in the same town with the exact same items and size,s at one store it was $99 and the other it was $126. The issue is whether you can get to that other store. With a limited SNAP budget that can make a huge difference. And not just within the same town, but across the nation, food prices vary wildly and SNAP seems to have very little if any adjustment based on local economics. A centralized/national online store type set-up could ameliorate this issue.

        As it stands now, people who are not on SNAP can buy groceries on line in many markets to avoid this sort of thing, but to the best of my knowledge it is not available to SNAP recipients.

        Again though, I think it will be poorly implemented and will be a complete cluster- I do think the SNAP program is large enough that it merits additional consideration being paid to its operations to see if there are better or more efficient ways to serve those who need it.


  2. My mother’s father deserted her family when she was 10 years old, with three younger brothers. My grandmother and the children went through hard, hard, hungry times. Growing up, my mother and grandmother always stressed to me: “Never, never depend on a man to take care of you!” I pass this advice onto every young woman I know.

    I’m sorry you went through such a tough time.

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  3. I hadn’t considered the view point you offered in this post. I do not have any friends that are SNAP recipients (that I know of) so my perspective is limited. My personal experience witnessing SNAP receiptients was in college at the gas station grocery store closest to my house was rampent with abuse. Most of the time I was in there, somebody was buying alcohol and/or cigarettes with their food stamps. I’m sure this is the low percentage of abuse you mention, but it definitely is an issue that as a tax payer, I don’t think is acceptable. I like the idea of the food boxes being an option and customizable. Whether you like the man or not, Trump is making proposals to outdated and abused government programs that needs to happen. Saving the tax payer $19B a year should be enough for us to listen and offer tweaks. This president will listen to public, I encourage you to subscribe to the White House questionnaire emails. He’s not a monster who hates the poor.


    1. You can’t buy alcohol or tobacco with food stamps. And, yes, Trump IS a monster who doesn’t even think about the poor. Also, who gets the $19 billion?

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      1. Robbie, someone is going to get the $19 Billion. Right now, it’s the local retailers who are getting that money. If this food box idea becomes a reality, that money will be going to the contractors who put the boxes together,

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      1. You don’t get it, but Robbie does. If I am a store owner, struggling to make my bills each month and put food on the table because I am not some gigasize corporation, then hell yes I’m taking food stamps for the cigarettes and alcohol that I sell. That is just human nature and you can’t change that.


    2. No. You didn’t see it. The cards themselves will NOT allow that transaction. The cashier cannot change that. You did not see anyone buy anything but good with an EBT card.

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      1. What you witnessed was retailer food stamp fraud using counterfeit UPC codes. I Don’t know when you went to college, but such schemes are very easily detected these days and so are relatively rare.

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      2. Bullcrap! That’s willful ignorance on your part. People SWAP these cards, or ring up allowable items that aren’t actually purchased. It’s like an alternate currency and it happens ALL. THE. TIME. They do it for pennies on the dollar. Is it legal? Hell no. Does it happen anyway? Ohhhh yeahhhh. I’ve seen it too, with my own two eyes. If you don’t believe it happens it’s because you don’t want to. I can assure you, it happens. And it happens a lot. You can choose not to believe it but it’s a fact. Ask any cop and they’ll tell you it happens every day.


    3. “Most of the time I was in there, somebody was buying alcohol and/or cigarettes with their food stamps.”

      Then both they and the cashier were breaking the law.


    4. “[Trump is] not a monster”
      Depends on the definition of “monster”.

      “who hates”
      OK then use a verb of similar meaning…

      “the poor.”
      not just the poor… everyone except himself… everyone and everything he can’t use for his benefit.


  4. I personally believe that their idea of doing this makes it easier for the government to “take care of the population” problems. U see they really couldn’t do something like that in the foods at the store because it would affect all population BUT if they take one type of people “the poor” (who in the governments eyes are one of the reason why the countries debt is so high) and give them one place where they can get food they can then have control on the population to simply add certain chemicals and ingedients to slow kill off the poor population. Again this is my own opinion but if u truly look at the foods in the stores right now they r already doing it. Just alot slower.

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  5. There’s been a similar program on Reservations since 1977. Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease have skyrocketed since then, and traditional ways of eating are being forgotten. Food is an important part of family and cultural identity. Taking that away from people is to infantilize them. Data already says that this is a bad idea. Let’s pay attention.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Obesity, Diabetes Type 2, and heart disease have skyrocketed in the US population as a whole, particularly in underserved populations. This is already an issue of most citizens not choosing or knowing what are healthy, unprocessed foods. Were the boxes to be of healthy, fresh fruits vegetables would anyone think it such a bad thing? I understand this is not the current proposal, but it’s an idea. Perhaps another thought is education for all as to what is actually nutritious, NOT paid for by the meat and dairy industries. Because as a whole, the US is about as unhealthy as can be with all the food options we have, rich or poor.


      1. It still would be if it wasn’t foods people were equipped to manage for WHATEVER reason that might be. Forcing specific foods you think people should be eating on them is frankly a recipe for disaster. It leads to waste. Texas WIC program is a poster for this. It’s why they had to add canned beans to their approved list, because nutrition was being left on the table because people either didn’t know how to utilize them (and weren’t given instruction or recipes for it-and spices aren’t available on the program), or just didn’t have the facilities to utilize them. It’s also what’s been happening since they moved to only allowing whole grain breads and tortillas.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Given the near complete lack of infrastructure on the reservations, there’s a good chance SNAP would work even _worse_ there.


  6. Somewhat related: At a grocery store once, I saw a crowd of people “touring” the place with a guide. The guide was taking the group through each aisle and explaining/describing the foods and nutrition. The group was composed of recent immigrants and the store was offering a program where they helped them identify affordable, healthy foods and answer any questions they might have had. I think it was a very neat idea – a way to learn about foods.


  7. Just so you know how its done. Alcohol isn’t bought directly with food stamps, its bought directly with the government dollars that are freed up by the issuance of food stamps. If you don’t believe this ask any supermarket cashier.
    Enlightening isn’t it?


  8. You can’t legally buy alcohol and tobacco with food stamps. I’m sure if you find an unscrupulous store owner who’s willing to take the risk, you can do it illegally. I’m not saying this to bash SNAP recipients or suggest that this behaviour is common. But I’m sure it can happen.
    It’s not a good enough reason to demonize people for being poor.

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    1. No. You can’t illegally do it. Unless the card also has a cash option, and as someone else said, you can’t tell. It’s all on the same card. But if you select EBT Food, you can only buy food with it. If a person’s card HAS the cash option, it’s just a matter of selecting EBT cash instead of food. If that option is not available the ONLY thing that card will buy is FOOD.


      1. Don’t be naive. A sale for food is rung up, say milk and bread, but all that leaves the store is half the value in alcohol.


      2. Terri, I’d like to know just how you are such an expert on exactly what is or is not possible with these cards? You have point blank called people liars and informed them that they most certainly did NOT see what they know damn well they saw. Exactly how is it that you are such an authority? You have some kind of divine knowledge of all things, or what? Cause let me tell you, you are so full of crap that it’s not even funny. I can tell you, FOR A FACT, that you most certainly CAN buy drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, or anything else with these cards. All you have to do is find a seller willing to sell you something and take your card as payment. It happens ALL. THE. TIME. It’s as illegal as it can be but it happens. I know, because I used to be one of the administrators of these programs! I have had to pull benefits from people who did this stuff! These cards get sold for pennies on the dollar. They are swapped for things. They get traded like money. Say I sell you booze, under the table, and you give me your card in exchange at a pennies on the dollar rate, I can either resell it for a profit or use the card to buy my own groceries. Nobody asks for ID at the store. There’s quite a little underground economy going on out there. I can’t help it if you are so idealistic that you can’t believe the truth. Your mind is so closed that you only believe what fits your narrative. No, Terri, you can’t LEGALLY buy stuff other than food. But laws never stopped creative and unscrupulous people from figuring out ways to do what they want. Open your eyes, child! It’s not all roses and unicorns out there!

        PS And it’s really rude to tell people they’re lying when you have no way of knowing whether they are telling the truth. So please stop it. You don’t know everything you think you know, obviously.


  9. Some people get cash benefits to go along with what you are thinking of as food stamps. I believe in many states it goes on the same card. Look up SNAP and TANF. So you can’t tell if they’re using the cash or the food part. If you only get the food part, you can’t even buy toilet paper or tampons. But if you can create a system in a country of 350,000,000 people with no possible abuse, go ahead. I want the millions of people who are starving and actually benefit to get food rather than punishing (and killing) them to catch a few abusers.

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  10. The first thing I thought when I heard about the proposed changes to SNAP was “I guess Trump is going to start selling government cheese.”


  11. Just read a very similar Facebook post by a UK commentator, “A Girl Called Jack”. You can find her on Facebook. Exactly what you are saying – that those who have not been poor have no perception of what it is like to be poor, and that upward mobility is a lovely story we tell ourselves but is largely a fiction – and life can come crashing down at any moment. I’m sorry you had to suffer as you did and I’m sorry that the safety net is so poor in the US. I’m in Australia and we seem to want to emulate the worst of other first world nations – there’s been a long running scandal here into allegations of “welfare cheating” which allegations are usually found to be baseless – but just make those with limited resources jump through MORE hoops to get assistance.


  12. Your life is the result of your actions and beliefs. Make different choices, get different results. Being “poor” in the USA is state of mind.


    1. IME, “success” in the USA more often than not requires disposal of ethics. (Source: observation of nearly all employers and supervisors.)


  13. To all those critical of poor. You haven’t been hungry enough to know. The author has. I have. It’s scary.


  14. To all the people who think you can purchase alcohol and cigarettes with your SNAP card, you don’t know what you are talking about. Not to say you are lying, you just don’t know what you are talking about.
    I lost my six figure job 10 years ago at the old age of 55. Since that time I have only been able to get one contract job that lasted for 26 months. That contract job ended in September 2014. I was fortunate that the contract paid well, because once again, I have not worked since then. All the money earned is now gone to pay basic living expenses like rent, utilities. Last November, I got my first SNAP card because my contribution to my health insurance ran out due to no income. My birthday present for my 64th was to be given MediCal, which requires no co-pay. I was so grateful to receive that because of a pre-existing condition that requires extensive bloodwork every 6 months and 2 daily prescriptions. Up until last November, I paid for all of those services and my insurance premiums out of my savings.

    Because I had no job or income and now 64 years old, I was issued the SNAP card to go along with the health care. It was not something I asked for and was really embarrassed when it was offered, but I am grateful to have it. Without it, I would not have made it through the last few months.

    To those who say why do they still have a car or a cellphone, have on nice clothes or shop at Costco or Sam’s Club when they are on food stamps. For me, I am still driving my 2006 Chevy Aveo that I paid cash for, so no car note. I have a Costco membership that was paid for when I was working. So I still shop there and stock up on meat, salmon, bacon and good produce. Since I stock up, I only need to go every 2 – 3 months. For staples like fresh vegetables and eggs, I shop at the regular grocery store every 2-3 weeks. Since it is just me, I usually have a little left over on my card for the next month.

    My cellphone is $10/month and is just a phone with no data. I haven’t bought any new clothes since I stopped working 4 years ago and since I don’t go anywhere, what I do have is good quality and holds up.

    For those who say they don’t know anyone on food stamps, you probably do, more than likely, they are just like me. Continuing to live their lives just like they did before some unfortunate thing happened and took away their livelihood. If you get off of your high horse and stop looking down on people you would probably notice they don’t go out anymore, they have been wearing the same clothes for a long time and if they used to invite you over for dinner, they don’t anymore.

    Today, I applied for 6 jobs that I am more than qualified for because of 30+ years of experience, but will probably not hear back because of my age, or I’m over-qualified or not exactly what they are looking for…blah, blah, blah. Even though my resume reads just like the job posting. I have been turned down by staffing/temp agencies because they only have jobs paying $10-$15 an hour and know their clients will not even consider me for short term projects.

    So, until I turn 65 in October and if I don’t find a job, I will continue to get food stamps and MediCal and be a burden on all you good people who have the good fortune to still have a job. Enjoy looking down on me and others in judgement and I will hope that you never be in the position I and many others are in today.

    Oh and one last thing. Government cheese makes the best mac and cheese you ever want to eat. If you have ever had homemade mac and cheese, not out of box and it was so good you couldn’t stop eating it, it was probably made with the government cheese and evaporated milk that was issued back in the day.

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  15. Golly. This post and the comments are real, fangs and teeth in your face real. Not the daily BS about a president who has to be told to say, “I hear you” and have the number (45) of his presidency embroidered on the French cuffs of his shirts.
    The reason people “dis” and ignore the poor is because, just like cancer, they’re afraid it’s contagious. In a sort of psychological sense. Americans are scared to the bone of being losers. And it pegs the irony meter that our president who’s constantly blowing his own horn about what a winner he is….is really an empty suit. A total, pathetic loser.


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